Fundraising event proposal
Thank you for your interest in hosting an event for Pride Link! Please read the following and complete the form below.
This is a request for the authorization to conduct a fundraising event for the benefit of Pride Link. The applicant understands that Pride Link must authorize the use of its name or logo in any efforts to raise funds for the organization and that fundraising events held on behalf of our organization should not be held without the knowledge, involvement and written approval of Pride Link. All requests to hold events with Pride Link being the beneficiary will be reviewed to ensure that the proposed event is in line with our organizational mission and values and that there are no actual or perceived conflicts of interest that exist with the event. These guidelines ensure Pride Link’s name will be properly used, funds will be handled and accounted for in a responsible manner, fundraising will be conducted in a method that is consistent with the public image of Pride Link and that all those associated with the event will act in accordance with all municipal and federal laws.
Please note the spelling of our name is Pride Link and no other combination should be used, including Pridelink, PrideLink, Pride Links, etc.
If requested Pride Link will provide its logo upon approval of the event. Please only use the unaltered logo that you have been provided. This is necessary to ensure brand consistency for our organization.